Sebuah Ilmu Menghasrat

Topografi Studi Spiritualitas di Indonesia




This is an editorial introduction to the Special Issue "Desiring Love: Foundations of Spirituality."


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Author Biographies

Nindyo Sasongko, Fordham University

Nindyo Sasongko is a Ph.D. candidate in Systematic Theology and Teaching Fellow at Fordham University, New York, Theologian in Residence in Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship, New York, co-founder of @Theovlogy ( channel, and an editor of Indonesian Journal of Theology.

Febrianto, GKY Greenville

Febrianto is a minister and supervisor of youth ministry at Gereja Kristus Yesus Jemaat Greenville, Jakarta. His newest work, co-authored with Abel K. Aruan, titled “Building Oikopathos: Toward a Pilgrim Youth Movement in the Time of Pandemic” is published in the anthology Let the Waves Roar Perspectives of Young Prophetic Voices in the Ecumenical Movement (Geneva: WCC, 2021).


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_______. “Sufisme dan Pemurnian Hati: Belajar dari Spiritualitas Islam.” Dalam Spiritualitas dari Berbagai Tradisi. Eds., J. B. Banawiratma dan Hendri M. Sendjaja, 313-335. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2017.

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Sendjaja, Hendri M. “Spiritualitas Gregorius dari Nyssa.” Dalam Spiritualitas dari Berbagai Tradisi. Eds., J. B. Banawiratma dan Hendri M. Sendjaja, 61-76. Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2017.

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How to Cite

Sasongko, N., & Febrianto. (2021). Sebuah Ilmu Menghasrat: Topografi Studi Spiritualitas di Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Theology, 9(2), 132-149.