A Perichoretic Model for Christian Love

A Theological Response to “A Common Word Between Us and You”


  • Ekaputra Tupamahu Vanderbilt University




This article is basically a theological response to the Common Word Between Us and You. It gives a special emphasis on the Trinitarian concept of perichoresis and uses it as a model for Christian love in a pluralistic society. Close attention is given to Jurgen Moltmann’s social trinitarianism, and how it helps formulate a theological framework for a Christian attitude toward others.


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Author Biography

Ekaputra Tupamahu, Vanderbilt University

Ekaputra Tupamahu adalah mahasiswa Ph.D. di Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Ia meraih gelar Master of Divinity dari Asia Pacific Theological Seminary di Baguio City, Philippines, dan Master of Arts in New Testament dari Claremont School of Theology, California, USA. Ia adalah pendeta Gereja Sidang Jemaat Allah.


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2013-07-21 — Updated on 2013-07-21

How to Cite

Tupamahu, E. (2013). A Perichoretic Model for Christian Love : A Theological Response to “A Common Word Between Us and You”. Indonesian Journal of Theology, 1(1), 67-89. https://doi.org/10.46567/ijt.v1i1.92