Engaging Karl Barth's Theology with Nurcholis Madjid and Ibn Taymiyya

A Discourse on Universal Salvation and Divine Mercy





Karl Barth , Nurcholis Madjid, Ibn Taymiyya, universalism, salvation, Islam, interfaith


This study presents a pioneering dialogue between Karl Barth’s Christian theology and Islamic theological perspectives in the Indonesian context, focusing specifically on the concept of universal salvation. The primary interlocutors are Nurcholish Madjid, interpreting Ibn Taymiyya, and Karl Barth’s theology. Barth’s universalism envisions an inclusive future for humanity, elaborated in Barth’s exposition of the theme “Jesus is Victor,” suggesting a universal reprieve from divine eschatological judgment. Correspondingly, Madjid’s interpretation of Islamic theology proposes a universally hopeful future, recognizing the broad spectrum of divine revelation across various religious traditions, thereby fostering a sense of shared hope among diverse religious followers. Ibn Taymiyya, often misconceived as a figurehead for radical elements, is depicted in this essay as advocating a form of universalism where divine mercy ultimately triumphs over retribution. This article contends that this mutual anticipation of universal salvation can pave the way for meaningful Christian-Islamic interactions in the Indonesian milieu, contributing significantly to interfaith dialogue and understanding.


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Author Biography

Denni Boy Saragih, Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana

Denni Boy Saragih received a Ph.D. in 2016 from the University of Edinburgh, UK, under the supervision of Prof. David Fergusson and Prof. Paul Nimmo. He is a lecturer in Religion and Social Ethics at Krida Wacana Christian University. His fields of interest include systematic theology (especially Karl Barth’s Theology), religion in Indonesia, theological ethics, Chinese-Christian interactions in Indonesia, and Islam-Christian theological engagement.


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How to Cite

Saragih, D. B. (2024). Engaging Karl Barth’s Theology with Nurcholis Madjid and Ibn Taymiyya: A Discourse on Universal Salvation and Divine Mercy. Indonesian Journal of Theology, 12(1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.46567/ijt.v12i1.477