The Cultural House of Anggrunggondok as a Means to Build the Local Church in the Diocese of Purwokerto, Central Java




cultural house, Asian Church, dialogue between faith and culture, local wisdom, triple dialogue


This article examines the Anggrunggondok cultural house (rumah budaya) as a space of meeting and mutual dialogue between local Javanese values and the Catholic Church, through gamelan, ketoprak, and other traditional Javanese arts. The cultural house is located in Anggrungondok, Kapencar, Wonosobo, Central Java in the Diocese of Purwokerto. Research was conducted by means of in-depth interviews with resident artists. Study findings demonstrate the benefits of the cultural house as an instrument for the Church to develop the local community and become more relevant and significant for people nearby. The Anggrunggondok cultural house does this by helping farmers to be more self-supporting and artists to develop their local culture.


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Author Biographies

Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Antonius Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto is a diocesan priest at the Diocese of Purwokerto. He completed the Licenciate in Biblical Study at School of Theology and Ministry, Boston College, USA, in 2010. In 2015, he enrolled in the doctoral program in Scriptures at Jesuit School of Theology, Santa Clara University, USA. Currently, he teaches New Testament at Fakultas Teologi, Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta. His research field is Pauline theology, the Gospel of John, and social-cultural approach to the Scriptures. 

Agustinus Brian Kurniawan, Universitas Sanata Dharma

Agustinus Brian Kurniawan is a candidate for priesthood at the Diocese of Purwokerto. He is currently completing the master program in pastoral studies at Fakultas Filsafat Keilahian, Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. He is writing a thesis on the dialogue between faith and culture. 

Saptono, Universitas Sanata Dharma


Saptono is a candidate for priest at the Diocese of Purwokerto. He is currently finishing his master's degree at Fakultas Filsafat Keilahian, Universitas Sanata Dharma. He is writing a thesis on the dialogue between the church and local community in mitigating natural disaster. 


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How to Cite

Aryanto, A. G. A. W. ., Kurniawan, A. B. ., & Saptono. (2023). The Cultural House of Anggrunggondok as a Means to Build the Local Church in the Diocese of Purwokerto, Central Java . Indonesian Journal of Theology, 11(1), 32-54.