Editor ~ Michael Sepidoza Campos

Michael Sepidoza Campos, Ph.D., adalah Associate Professorial Lecturer di De La Salle University Manila, dan juga seorang guru Sekolah Menengah Atas di the Schools of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco, California. Sebagai salah satu pendiri Emerging Queer Asian-Pacific Islander Religion Scholars, Campos meneliti persinggungan-persinggungan antara komunitas diaspora Filipina-Amerika, teori poskolonial, teori queer, dan pedagogi kritis. Tulisan-tulisan yang pernah dipublikasikan diantaranya, “A Thief, a Woman, a People of the Land: Exploring Chamorro Strategies of Incarnation” in Critical Christian Studies of the United States: Imperialist Militarism from Asian/Asian North American Perspectives, ed. Anne Wonhee Joh and Nami Kim (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); dan “Not Quite Here: Queer Ecclesiastical Spaces in the Fiipino Diaspora” in Church In the Age of Migration: A Moving Body, ed. Agnes Brazal, Joshua Ralston, and Susanna Snyder (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). Ia juga menjadi salah satu penyunting buku Queering Migrations Towards, From, and Beyond Asia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) bersama Hugo Córdova Quero dan Joseph N. Goh.


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