Wahai Pengikut Kristus, Mainkanlah Drama yang Mentransformasikan Itu!
Menjawab Peran yang Mentransformasikan dari seorang Kristen bagi Bangsa Indonesia dengan Model Teatrikal dari Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Kevin J. Vanhoozer, drama of doctrine, transformative doctrineAbstract
This article calls Christians to engage in true, transformative action, in Indonesia. To attain to such an alluring provocation, I employ the theatrical ideas of Kevin J. Vanhoozer—namely his thought contribution of "the drama of doctrine"—which I propose finds a suitable complement in Miroslav Volf’s "prophetic religion"- descriptor of Christianity." The combination results in the constructive theopoetic composite I call "transformative drama"—namely, theatrical Christian action that effects change within and leverage impact upon the social locations of the transformative-active Christian.
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