No More Eternal Punishment

Karl Barth’s Christocentric Universalism as Assurance of Salvation at the End of Human History


  • Christian Arisandi Kiding Allo Independent Researcher



Karl Barth, election, reconciliation, ineffectiveness of sin, salvation, actualistic ontology


This article explores the concept of eternal punishment in light of the Christocentric universalism Karl Barth outlines in his seminal work Church Dogmatics. While Barth explicitly rejects the doctrine of apokatastasis, his treatment of election and reconciliation suggests that salvation is already accomplished for humanity, rendering eternal damnation unnecessary. Using a literature review methodology, this study examines key themes in Church Dogmatics II and IV, including Christ’s election and the interplay between grace and sin. The findings highlight Barth’s assertion that eternal punishment is not possible. However ineffective sin might prove to be, Barth by no means diminishes its seriousness. Instead, he emphasizes the work of Christ as central to the doctrine of salvation.


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Author Biography

Christian Arisandi Kiding Allo, Independent Researcher

Born and raised in Bali, Christian Arisandi Kiding Allo graduated from STT Satyabhakti with a bachelor degree in theology. He continued his graduate education in philosophy at Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara and wrote a thesis titled Keselamatan Universal dalam Pemikiran Karl Barth.” He is currently researching Barth's theology as an independent researcher. 


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How to Cite

Kiding Allo, C. A. (2024). No More Eternal Punishment: Karl Barth’s Christocentric Universalism as Assurance of Salvation at the End of Human History. Indonesian Journal of Theology, 12(2), 270-295.

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