Liturgi Sebagai Ruang Transformasi

Sebuah Tawaran Misional untuk Pembaruan Liturgi


  • Hizkia Anugrah Gunawan Gereja Kristen Indonesia



liturgy, renewal, mission, missional, space, transformation, Kingdom of God, world, life, daily


Echoes of liturgical renewal have come to pervade a number of churches these past decades. Alternatively, one finds that the discourse concerning mission is being abandoned by the church and domain of theology, alike. Yet a closer look at the principles undergirding the liturgical renewal movement shows a certain connection between liturgy and mission. Notion of a missional liturgy further emphasizes the link between the two. Constructive efforts leading to these findings thus generate enthusiasm for the renewal of liturgy as transformative space. This enthusiastic spirit ought to encourage the church to designate liturgy as space within which the church is to perform its mission.


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Author Biography

Hizkia Anugrah Gunawan, Gereja Kristen Indonesia

Hizkia Anugrah Gunawan serves as a minister at Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Taman Aries, Jakarta. He obtains a bachelor's degree in Theology from Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Theologi (STFT) Jakarta in 2016 and has research interest in liturgical theology. He was part of the Worship Team at STFT Jakarta from 2013 to 2016.


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2018-07-30 — Updated on 2018-07-30

How to Cite

Gunawan, H. A. (2018). Liturgi Sebagai Ruang Transformasi: Sebuah Tawaran Misional untuk Pembaruan Liturgi. Indonesian Journal of Theology, 6(1), 44-68.