Editor ~ Jeniffer F. P. Pelupessy-Wowor
Jeniffer F. P. Pelupessy-Wowor, M.A., is a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, USA. She is a faculty member on Christian Education and Practical Theology at Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Fakultas Teologi, Yogyakarta, and an ordained pastor of Gereja Protestan di Indonesia bagian Barat (GPIB). She is also the Chair of the Center for Religious Studies (Pusat Studi Agama-agama) of the Theology Department. After graduated with a bachelor's degree from Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, she studied and received a master's degree from Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea. She lives in Yogyakarta with her husband, who is also a pastor, and three children, Mahersya (9 years old), Maheswari (2.5 years old), and Mavendra (11 months).